The current business environment calls for a Workplace conflicts culture of high conflict resolution. Instead of running from the fight, as some managers do, businesses should try to win the fight. If employees feel their work is being threatened, they will do what it takes to resolve conflicts. If an employee cannot tolerate being called out on his or her conduct, then it is not hard to imagine them doing everything in his or her power to change that behavior. Instead of ignoring these behaviors, management should embrace them and learn to resolve them in a positive manner.
How can this be done? First, avoid creating a work environment where passive-aggressive behavior is the accepted norm. Rather, manage conflict when they occur. The best company managers understand that constructive conflict can lead to positive development within an organization if it is handled properly. Workplace conflict may sometimes cripple an enterprise, but it can be also a golden opportunity if accepted.
Another important tip for handling Workplace conflicts is to seek early resolution of any disputes. There is no need to pretend that all disagreements are irritating misunderstandings. In fact, some of the most serious conflicts may be resolved simply through a series of one-on-one discussions.
When the workplace conflict arises between a team of people, there is an opportunity to step in and assist the team members in working out an acceptable resolution themselves. However, when the problem goes beyond interpersonal conflicts and turns into a competition among team members, it becomes increasingly difficult to resolve. In such situations, help from external sources may be necessary. A business leader who values diffuse conflict resolution and open communication can certainly assist team members in managing workplace conflict effectively.
A third common workplace conflict scenario that arises is between managers and employees. Like conflicts between co-workers, managers and their subordinates also have the opportunity to resolve conflicts among themselves, if they take the time and place the effort to do so. The most important thing for managers to remember is that their ultimate responsibility is to set the example for their subordinates. If they fail to set a good example for their team members, it will be easy for them to slide into excessive personal conflict, which can ultimately undermine the efforts of both managers and their teams to resolve the problem.
All these three workplace conflict scenarios show that effective conflict resolution techniques need to be implemented early in the process. When these problems arise, project managers should first identify the root causes of the problem and then implement appropriate conflict resolution techniques that will address those root causes. However, sometimes these problems occur when the projects are halfway complete. Regardless of whether the root causes of the conflict are not immediately obvious, finding the problems before they become too big and distracting is a good way to prevent conflicts from becoming worse.